Tuesday, June 18, 2013

WEEK 1 : Fixing a Photo

rotate this photo so the bridge is horizontal then resize

To straighten and crop, I chose a guide as a way to verify horizontality, the rotation tool and then I cropped manually to achieve the right image aspect ratio so that after a linear resize the picture has the expected 600x399 size. this allowed me to remove part of the right side that was a little bit overwhelming. 

I then did the basic processing I would do to this type of picture: remove some of the blue haze on the other side of the bay with the curve tool on a selected area with some feather, and add a little bit of contrast  to the same part, pushed a little the color of the bridge with the hue saturation tool ( red chanel) , sharpened with the smart sharpen tool and a gradient mask so that the foreground is sharpened more, reduced the strong shadow in the front with a color range selection, boosting the luminosity while reducing contrast on the selected zone. the final touch has been just a little of warming photographic filter to give more the feeling of a warm summer day.

I finally resized the picture to 600x399 @ 72 dpi and uploaded to the blog

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