Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 3 Part 2 : Color Remapping

The assignment is to remap the colors of a picture using a matching palette. I chose a simple flower image to start from.

Then I chose a palette to use to correct the colors. I decided to use the assignment to mimic a picture that would look like the ones in the early color printed magazine. to achieve the effect I chose a Palette with 3 colors close to the 3 colors in the original image but far more saturated to mimic the limited dynamic early color films and printing process had. that palette has both the green of the leaves, the purple of the flowers and I chose to use the orange for the leaves that are brownish in the original picture. I would use the other green as a color for a fine border

For this image I mainly used the quick selection tool to select my 3 main zones to correct and added 2 pixels of expand and 2 pixels of feather so that the transitions are smooth. inside the selections I used the replace color tool to apply the color scheme. I then used the color half tone filter to simulate the magazine printing technique, and added a border with the fourth color as planned.

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